Sunday 20 April 2014

Black Hairsytles | 3 Signs a Natural Hair Style Might Not Be For You | Black Girl with ... | Blog Black Hair Styles

Black Hairsytles | 3 Signs a Natural <b>Hair Style</b> Might Not Be For You | <b>Black</b> Girl with <b>...</b> | Blog Black Hair Styles

3 Signs a Natural <b>Hair Style</b> Might Not Be For You | <b>Black</b> Girl with <b>...</b>

Posted: 20 Apr 2014 08:33 AM PDT

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Sad woman holding her forehead with her hand on white background

Styling Takes an Unnecessarily Long Time

There are some styles that will always take a long time to complete. For example, it will take up to 8 hours to twist my hair into mini twists. Nothing is unnecessarily long about that, as 150 small twists on long natural hair are expected to take a while. However, there are some styles that, while you love them on others, seem to take you 3 or 4 times longer to complete. The worst part is that once you complete the style you find yourself thinking, "was it really worth all that?"  For example, a wash n' go that takes 3 hours or a simple up do that takes an hour may not be for you. If you enjoy putting in the time to achieve such styles, then by all means do so. However, for those of you that think you have to spend hours upon hours in order to achieve what you consider to be an "acceptable"  hair style might need to reevaluate. I honestly believe that natural hair doesn't have to take a long time to style. My hair is very coily (4a/4b if you use hair typing) and hovering around waist length.  I can spend hours on my hair but I don't HAVE to and neither do you!

Diminishing Returns

While it may be easier to conclude a style is excessively time consuming, it might be more difficult to determine when the benefits of a style are outweighed by its drawbacks. If you choose to wear a style that creates another set of problems, it' probably isn't the best option for you.  In my case, protective hairstyles that add stress to my hairline, which has always been prone to breakage, will ultimately result in healthy ends and receding edges. Likewise, you too should be sure that you don't continue employing a method, despite indications that a style may be harmful, just because so-and-so said her hair was 6 inches longer in a few months. Even commonly recommended styles may have adverse effects on your hair. This doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with the style, or even your hair.  The style simply may not work for you.

You Can't "Work" It

I often focus on the relationship between technique, style and hair health in my articles, but I really believe it is important for you to feel good about the way your hair looks. There are a variety of styling options that are conducive for hair health. Don't feel that you need to wear styles that you feel look unbecoming on you. You wouldn't wear a dress that you think takes away from your best assets, so don't feel obligated to wear 'smart' hairstyles that you don't feel confident while wearing. Earlier in my healthy hair journey, I admittedly didn't wear the cutest styles, but I felt like that was price I had to pay in order to achieve healthier hair. Fortunately, I know better now. Feeling fly and wearing healthy hair styles are not mutually exclusive. If you're wearing a style that makes you want to duck and hide when you see that certain someone coming in the other direction because you don't even like the way you look, then it probably isn't the style for you. Being natural isn't some form of hair martyrdom, in which you are required to sacrifice your sense of style. I sometimes sense that some women feel that way, but it simply isn't the case. Whether or not the style is considered a staple in the canon of go-to hair styles is irrelevant. Balance wisdom with your sense of style to achieve the hair you find most desirable.


What was a sign that made you realize that a popular natural hair style didn't work for you?

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