Do I Need To <b>Style</b> My <b>Natural Hair</b> Conservatively For Church?
Lovely <b>natural</b> hair <b>styles</b> for black women - <b>Black Hair Style</b>
Zeba // 4B/C <b>Natural Hair Style</b> Icon | <b>Black</b> Girl with Long <b>Hair</b>
Do I Need To <b>Style</b> My <b>Natural Hair</b> Conservatively For Church?
Posted: 01 Jun 2014 07:00 AM PDT
Woman with the broad rim hat whispers: Girl you see what she got on and oh that hair, you think she would do something with it when she enters the house of the Lord.
Woman sitting next to her with an equally large hat whispers back: Girl I know, I don't know why these young people think they can come up in here just looking any kinda way. They call that style a twist out or some nonsense, she need a comb and a brush and some good old grease. Let us pray for her!
Both women clasp hands and bow their heads in prayer for the poor girl with the twist out.
Ooh chruch folk, gotta love em right? Now that exchange was not meant to offend, it is just good humor but we have all been there. We might get a side eye for our choice in hair style as we walk daintily down the isle between the pews, we might even notice someone else getting it and shake our head hoping she just hurries up and sits down. The question is should we choose conservative styles for church?
Believe it or not this is not just a church problem. There are women in many workplaces getting those same dirty looks whether from black women or of other races because despite the explosion of the natural hair movement, not everyone is smitten with 'the new' styles nor accepting of them.
The reality is that as free as the fashion world might be, there are extremely close-minded individuals who don't live according to the trends or what's hot, they live in a colorless bubble and if that's not bad enough they want you to live in it too.
To answer my own question above, I would say a resounding 'no' but that's me, I enjoy my right to privacy, pursuit of happiness, and hairstyle should always be my own decision despite what anyone else might think.
For other women though, they might decide, ehh why rock the boat while others feel there are other more important things to fight over. Wherever you fall, the decision must be yours on how to approach the problem of not fitting into a conservative atmosphere.
Now do not think that I am a prude I know there is a time and place for everything, and while I might not wear my roller set to the beach, I might prefer a conservative style for church it just depends. The thing is, our natural tresses are so versatile we can in fact create some amazing conservative hairstyles that will almost everyone happy.
With that said, if you are looking for a more conservative look for church here are a few tutorials that we think can really help:
Carmen from My Natural Sistas has got a great style for naturals in the TWA stage. Some women feel TWAs are limited but they are only as limited as you make them. The magic is in the method and all that's needed is a water bottle, gel, a comb for parting and your denman brush.
This curly style (whether natural or created) is lovely and looks like old Hollywood glam that will be great for church, work and even an evening out. Conservative and classy and still very trendy.
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Lovely <b>natural</b> hair <b>styles</b> for black women - <b>Black Hair Style</b>
Posted: 02 Jun 2014 10:02 PM PDT
Over the last few years, natural hair styles for black women have been more and more popular. Natural hair styles for black women are a very healthy option, since various damaging chemicals are not used, and also there is no excessive use of blow dryers or curling irons, so they are very easy to maintain. Natural hair styles for black women keep the texture and lenght of the hair and aknowledge such styles as beautiful and extremely practical. There is a wide range of natural hair styles for black women, and everyone should choose the one that best fits their personality and their quality.
Some of the most popular natural hair styles for black women are braids and twists which are one of most popular hair styles 2012 too. Braids are particularly convinient because they are very simple and they can be worn for a very long time. As far as twists are concerned, most common are two-strand twists and Bantu knots. Two-strand twists are not difficult to do and they can be styled in a more traditional or modern way. On the other hand, Bantu knots can give you a very edgy look. Other natural hair styles for black women include natural updo hairstyle, textured afro, loc hairstyle, coils, faux hawks and so on. To achive a slightly different look, a handband can be combined with these hairstyles, especially with afro hairstyle.
When it comes to hair styles 2012, among natural hair styles for black women, Ghana weaving hairtstyle is very popular. Ghana weaving hairstyle can have as many rows as you like, and your hair can display various patterns. This hairstyle is a perfect example of long hairstyles 2012. Another prominent long hairstyle is a long curly hairstyle. It offers you a very glamorous look. Long curly style can always be freshen up by adding side-swept, long bangs.
Gallery of Lovely natural hair styles for black women
Zeba // 4B/C <b>Natural Hair Style</b> Icon | <b>Black</b> Girl with Long <b>Hair</b>
Posted: 24 May 2014 06:28 AM PDT
Introduce yourself!
Z: Hello! My name is Zeba. I'm from Accra, Ghana and I live in Jersey City. I'm a writer and film critic.
Why did you make the decision to go natural?
Z: I initially didn't set out to be natural – I didn't even really know about the concept of being "natural" when I cut my hair. Throughout high school I relaxed my hair, it grew to about APL then just became really thin and dry. I've always had thick hair, so this kind of freaked me out. During the year when I was living back in Ghana I impulsively cut my hair because I was just really annoyed with how unhealthy it was. After the cut I immediately got braids. It was only a couple months after that when it grew out a bit that it occurred to me to maybe not start relaxing again! I've been natural for six years since. I did my (first) big chop in 2009!
How would you describe your texture?
Z: If I had to guess I'd say I'm like a 4b/4c mix. My hair is dense and coarse, and my curls are more defined at the crown of my head, but usually only if I apply mad product to them (which I rarely do).
Describe your styling regimen over the course of the month.
Z: Since I experience major shrinkage, which leads to tangling, my hair is always in a stretched state. I lose about 60% of my length when my hair is in a shrunken state. I go through phases with my styling regimen, so sometimes I will protective style by bunning, wearing puffs, loose twists, twist and box braid extensions, wigs, or scarves. I love big hair and I love to wear my hair out, so I will generally wear a twist out fro for a few weeks at a time. I sometimes use Taliah Waajid's Curly Curl Cream for my twist outs then cover my hair for a few weeks at a time, and repeat. At night I'll spritz my hair with a mixture of a cheap conditioner and coconut oil. If I'm feeling lazy I'll pineapple it, but I usually always braid or twist my hair at night to keep it stretched. I experience a lot of dryness, but ever since discovering the LOC method I haven't had to moisturize every single day, which has been amazing.
What does wash day look like for you?
Z: Wash day is a whole situation. I really dread it and I'm really bad at regulating my regimen, so sometimes I might wash my hair once a week, and other times I might go a month in between washes because I'm just feeling lazy. The night before I wash my hair, I lightly detangle and pre-poo with coconut oil. The next day I finger detangle my hair again and put it into four twists. I'll then go in the shower and wash my hair with Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo, then condition with their Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner, which I just started using recently and I LOVE. My hair tangles a lot so much of my wash day process revolves around doing lots of detangling from root to tip under the running water with a wide-tooth comb. I try to be as thorough as possible and not rush through even though I'm over it by the second section lol. Once I'm out of the shower I let my hair air dry a little bit then I go about moisturizing. My go-to moisturizers are usually shea butter, coconut oil, and castor oil as a sealant.
Describe your favorite go-to hairstyle for days when you don't have a lot of time to style.
Z: If I don't have a lot of time my go to is always to tie a scarf around my head and wear my hair in a high bun/puff, but I generally make time for my hair. If I feel like I'm coming up on a busy month or something I just get braids or twists.
How do you combat shrinkage?
Z: I have been fighting shrinkage ever since I went natural and I'm actually trying to let go of it. Like, there have been times when I've woken up in the morning and I see it's raining and it's literally ruined my day because I feel like I can't wear my hair out. I'm trying to be more comfortable with how my hair looks when it's a little shrunken – of course I generally keep it stretched just to ensure it doesn't tangle, but I'm also trying to understand the difference between wanting to prevent tangling and being length-obsessed. It's a process!
What are some of your problem areas (if any) that require special care and attention?
Z: I dyed my hair a honey-brown/reddish color a couple years ago, and since then even though I went back to black I've definitely noticed the damage that did to my ends, in terms of them just being weaker and having a lot of splits. My ends are very delicate, so I make sure to lavish a lot of attention and moisture on them whenever possible!
What are 2 do's for your texture?
Z: Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. I really used to think that moisture wasn't a factor in my hair's health, but it wasn't until I started paying more attention that my hair began to flourish. Also, I've seen that drinking lots of water (and I mean lots), exercising, and taking my vitamins has been a big help as well.
What are 2 don'ts for your texture?
Z: Too much manipulation, which I definitely am guilty of. I need to just leave my hair alone and stop doing the most. Not doing my research – I recently did a cholesterol treatment without looking up the product and it almost ruined my hair. Also, keeping braids in for too long. I used to keep braids in for months (I won't say how long, but you can guess – such a mess), and I would take them out and be all shocked when most of my ends broke off. Like, girl.
Is there a blog/webpage where we can find you?
Z: Yes!
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