Wednesday 28 May 2014

Black Female Hairstyle | Pentagon reviews hairstyle rules for black women - Philip Ewing ... | Blog Black Hairstyles

Black Female Hairstyle | Pentagon reviews <b>hairstyle</b> rules for <b>black women</b> - Philip Ewing <b>...</b> | Blog Black Hairstyles

Pentagon reviews <b>hairstyle</b> rules for <b>black women</b> - Philip Ewing <b>...</b>

Posted: 29 Apr 2014 02:36 PM PDT

The Pentagon is shown. | AP Photo

African Americans make up more than 16 percent of the total military force. | AP Photo

The Pentagon is reviewing its hairstyle regulations for black women after the Congressional Black Caucus complained the Army had unfairly singled them out in new rules on soldiers' appearances.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel sent a letter Tuesday to caucus chair Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) and other members assuring them that no one in the Pentagon meant to "discriminate or disparage" black women in formulating the Army's new rules.

Fudge thanked him for his quick response.

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"Secretary Hagel has committed to careful review of each service's language and grooming policies to ensure both are clear of offensive language and are respectful of the diversity within our armed forces," she wrote. "The secretary's response affirms his commitment to ensuring all individuals are welcomed and can continue to be proud of serving within our armed forces."

Hagel's exchange with the black lawmakers followed a ceremony in the Pentagon on Monday in which he, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and many other Defense Department leaders signed its new "Human Goals Charter." The document, which included major updates, including the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban on open service by gays and lesbians, is a full-length statement of how the Pentagon affirms that "people are its most important resource."

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African Americans make up more than 16 percent of the total military force, according to Pentagon records. About 16 percent of its overall troop population is female.

Hagel's review also will get rolling as the Army continues its withdrawal from the long war in Afghanistan. To prepare for a return to garrison life, commanders are tightening restrictions on personal appearances, including tattoos and hairstyles. The Army has barred sleeve-style tattoos, for example, and what it called "fancy-style" haircuts for men, including the "tear drop," the "landing strip" or "Mohawk," and "horseshoe."

Some examples of new rules for women include allowing bangs — so long as they don't fall below the eyebrows — and pony tails, as long as they are "centered on the back of the head." Extensions and wigs are authorized, the Army said, if they conform to the other standards and have the same appearance as natural hair.

What Fudge and her colleagues objected to was the way the Army's rules described the way black women may and may not wear their hair.

"The use of words like 'unkempt' and 'matted,' when referring to traditional hairstyles worn by women of color are offensive and biased," Fudge and her colleagues told Hagel this month. "The assumption that individuals wearing these hairstyles cannot maintain them in a way that meets the professionalism of the Army standards indicates a lack of cultural sensitivity conducive to creating a tolerant environment for minorities."

Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby told reporters Tuesday that Hagel has ordered the military services to review their appearance regulations for black women and be sure their "standards are fair and respectful to our diverse force while also meeting our requirements."

<b>Black female</b> troops accuse Army of banning natural <b>hair styles</b> | The <b>...</b>

Posted: 03 Apr 2014 06:59 AM PDT

Black-female-troopsBlack female troops accuse Army of banning natural hair styles

A petition to the White House calling on the U.S. Army to reconsider its grooming policy, which many Black female soldiers are calling biased, has garnered thousands of signatures.

The Army Times reports that of the signatures collected, thousands are from soldiers who are unhappy with the Army's new grooming standards.

At issue are the Army's changes to Army Regulation 670-1, which bans twists and multiple braids larger than a quarter in diameter. Locs are not allowed at all and cornrows are strictly regulated.

According to Army spokesman Paul Prince, locs and twists have always been banned, so the U.S. Army's new guidelines just provide soldiers with guidance.

The regulations also show pictures of banned hairstyles, many of which are of Black women.

"I've been in the military six years, I've had my hair natural four years, and it's never been out of regulation. It's never interfered with my head gear," Sgt. Jasmine Jacobs, of the Georgia National Guard, who wears her hair in two twists, told the Army Times.

Jacobs says because of the new regulations, she's "at a loss" over what to do with her hair. Her sentiment makes sense because the Army's current regulations, by banning both locs and twists, are banning Black women from wearing most natural hairstyles. With these regulations in place, the only natural style available to women of color are a short afro or fade.

"Most Black women, their hair doesn't grow straight down, it grows out," said Jacobs, who started the White House petition. "I'm disappointed to see the Army, rather than inform themselves on how black people wear their hair, they've white-washed it all."

"Females with natural hair take strides to style their natural hair in a professional manner when necessary; however, changes to AR 670-1 offer little to no options for females with natural hair," wrote Jacobs in the White House petition.

For now, Jacobs says she'll wear a wig because she refuses to relax her hair.

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